The major factors are the following:-

  • Sublimation of instincts and emotions

Instincts are natural urges or inborn tendencies in an animal to feel and behave towards a particular stimulus, in a characteristics manner, Instincts are primary movers and their function is mechanical, without intelligence and foresight. Emotion are intense feelings which stir up the whole organism. They express themselves through well-marked movements of the body. Every instincts of self preservation gives rise to the emotions of fear while the instincts of food seeking, gives rise to the emotion of hunger and thirst. Thus emotional factors are very important in the maintenance of good health or its breakdown. It is, therefore essential that instincts and emotions are controlled and sublimated.

  • Formations of good Hobbits

Habit is a tendency to repeat a movement. It is a reaction that gets fixed because of repetition. It is, therefore, that all education is continued work of the cultivation of certain habits, like thinking good etc.

  • Acquisition of strong and healthy sentiments

Sentiments is an attitude of a feeling for an object or a person which is fixed. Sentiments are acquired. They are the foundation of the character and personality of an individual. Eventually, sentiments are only particular types of habits. But they have a great influence on the mental health of a person.

  • Avoidance of mental conflicts

Conflicts means a state of tension, caused by a struggle between two opposing impulse. Tension in one’s mind may arise because of certain environment, social or economic conditions which may stand in the way of his strong desires and wishes. In that case, a feeling of disconflict and frustration is experienced by the individual, which is extremely painful. It may sometimes become so painful that the person concerned may prefer death to such a conflicts.

  • Proper Adjustment

Life is a continuous process of adjustment with one’s physical and social surroundings . As soon as home or society fails to satisfy any or some of his needs, the individual goes out of adjustment with it. He is then, said to be “mal-adjusted”. It causes conflicts and a sense of frustration, which must be avoided under all circumstances, for maintaining good health.

  • Faith and confidence

Another important factor is confidence in one’s own self and in others and faith in God. Such confidence and faith keep frustration far away from the person and enables him to live fairly comfortably even in these upsetting and insecure times.

Besides the above noted psychological factors, mental health also requires certain physical factors. The important among them are nutritious diet and rest.


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