No one wins a race in the first attempt. Victory is the final outcome of many trials and failures. Only those who are willing to face the hurdles deserve victory. If the first attempt fails, keep trying again and again.

 The story of the tortoise and the hare has a strong message. The tortoise challenged the hare to a five-kilometers race. The fox was made the umpire. The hare was so confident of winning the race that after covering a short distance he decided to take rest under a tree. Meanwhile the tortoise kept moving ahead. He was not worried about the outcome. He just wanted to put in his best.

 While taking rest, the hare happened to fall asleep. When he woke up, the tortoise was far ahead of him. The hare ran and ran but failed to overtake the tortoise. The tortoise won the race. He won the race because he kept moving ahead.

 We have to keep trying. It needs hard work and constant search to reach the goal. Till we reach the goal, we should not stop. If we stop half way like the hare, we shall fail. So keep going ahead. Then the the win is ours.

 We need to keep on trying in any field. Suppose we want to learn cycling. At first it appears to be very difficult. Every time we try to cycle, we fall. That should not discourage us. We have to get up and start trying again. After many attempts we learn to gain control of the cycle. Suppose we stop trying after a few falls, we shall never learn to ride a cycle.

 Only those people who persevere can succeed in life. Learn never to give up. Have faith and patience. Then we are sure to reach our goal.

 Ravi lived in a village. He went to work in the fields to earn his living. What he earned was just sufficient to feed his wife and children.

 One day a friend came to meet him. He did not have anything at home to give him. So he went to his neighbor to get some food. It was late evening. He knocked at his door to wake him up. The neighbor said it was very late and he was about to sleep. He asked him to go away and not disturb him.

 Ravi did not lose hope. He knocked at the door again and again. When the neighbor found it difficult to resist, he opened the door and gave him food. Ravi took the food home and served it to his guest happily.

 Ravi could get the food because he persisted in knocking at the door of his neighbor. He did not feel ashamed of doing it. It was his urgent need to find food for his guest. His perseverance paid off. The neighbor finally gave him food.

 When we ask for something without losing heart, we are sure to get it. If a neighbor can finally give in to our request, God will be much more generous to our prayers. Keep trying till we succeed in our life.

 Only those people who are persistent succeed in their life. Others will end in failure.


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