

An exception is an indication of a problem that occurs during a program's execution. The name "exception" implies that the problem occurs infrequently if the "rule" is that a statement normally executes correctly, then  the "exception to the rule" is that a problem occurs. Exception handling enables programmers to create applications that can resolve (or handle) exceptions. In many cases, handling an exception allows a program to continue executing as if no problem had been encountered. A more severe problem could prevent a program from continuing normal execution, instead requiring the program to notify the user of the problem before terminating in a controlled manner. The features presented in this chapter enable programmers to write robust and fault-tolerant programs that are able to deal with problems that may arise and continue executing or terminate gracefully.


  • Exception handling helps improve a program's fault tolerance.
  • Exception handling provides a standard mechanism for processing errors. This is especially important when working on a project with a large team of programmers.


Exception-Handling Overview

Program logic frequently tests conditions that determine how program execution proceeds. Consider the following pseudocode:


Perform a task

If the preceding task did not execute correctly

Perform error processing

Perform next task

If the preceding task did not execute correctly

Perform error processing



In this pseudocode, we begin by performing a task. We then test whether that task executed correctly. If not, we perform error processing. Otherwise, we continue with the next task. Although this form of error handling works, intermixing program logic with error-handling logic can make the program difficult to read, modify, maintain and debug specially in large applications.


  • If the potential problems occur infrequently, intermixing program logic and error-handling logic can degrade a program's performance, because the program must (potentially frequently) perform tests to determine whether the task executed correctly and the next task can be performed.


Exception handling enables the programmer to remove error-handling code from the "main line" of the program's execution, which improves program clarity and enhances modifiability. Programmers can decide to handle any exceptions they choose all exceptions, all exceptions of a certain type or all exceptions of a group of related types (e.g., exception types that belong to an inheritance hierarchy). Such flexibility reduces the likelihood that errors will be overlooked and thereby makes a program more robust.

With programming languages that do not support exception handling, programmers often delay writing error-processing code or sometimes forget to include it. This results in less robust software products. C++ enables the programmer to deal with exception handling easily from the inception of a project.



Example 1: Divide by Zero

Let us consider a simple example of exception handling . The purpose of this example is to prevent a common arithmetic problemdivision by zero. In C++, division by zero using integer arithmetic typically causes a program to terminate prematurely. In floating-point arithmetic, division by zero is allowedit results in positive or negative infinity, which is displayed as INF or -INF.



// Class DivideByZeroException definition.

#include // stdexcept header file contains runtime_error

using std::runtime_error; // standard C++ library class runtime_error

// DivideByZeroException objects should be thrown by functions

// upon detecting division-by-zero exceptions

class DivideByZeroException : public runtime_error



// constructor specifies default error message


: runtime_error( "attempted to divide by zero" ) {}

}; // end class DivideByZeroException




Exception-handling example :2  that throws exceptions



// A simple exception-handling example that checks for

// divide-by-zero exceptions.


using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

#include "DivideByZeroException.h" // DivideByZeroException class

// perform division and throw DivideByZeroException object if

// divide-by-zero exception occurs

double quotient( int numerator, int denominator )


// throw DivideByZeroException if trying to divide by zero

if ( denominator == 0 )

throw DivideByZeroException(); // terminate function

// return division result

return static_cast( numerator ) / denominator;

} // end function quotient

int main()


int number1; // user-specified numerator

int number2; // user-specified denominator

double result; // result of division

cout << "Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): ";

// enable user to enter two integers to divide

while ( cin >> number1 >> number2 )


// try block contains code that might throw exception       // and code that should not execute if an exception occurs



result = quotient( number1, number2 );

cout << "The quotient is: " << result << endl;

} // end try

// exception handler handles a divide-by-zero exception

catch ( DivideByZeroException ÷ByZeroException )


cout << "Exception occurred: "

<< divideByZeroException.what() << endl;

} // end catch

cout << "\nEnter two integers (end-of-file to end): ";

} // end while


cout << endl;

return 0; // terminate normally

} // end main





Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): 100 7

The quotient is: 14.2857

Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): 100 0

Exception occurred: attempted to divide by zero

Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): ^Z



In this example, we define a function named quotient that receives two integers input by the user and divides its first int parameter by its second int parameter. Before performing the division, the function casts the first int parameter's value to type double. Then, the second int parameter's value is promoted to type double for the calculation. So function quotient actually performs the division using two double values and returns a double result.

Although division by zero is allowed in floating-point arithmetic, for the purpose of this example, we treat any attempt to divide by zero as an error. Thus, function quotient tests its second parameter to ensure that it is not zero before allowing the division to proceed. If the second parameter is zero, the function uses an exception to indicate to the caller that a problem occurred. The caller (main in this example) can then process this exception and allow the user to type two new values before calling function quotient again. In this way, the program can continue to execute even after an improper value is entered, thus making the program more robust.

The example consists of two filesDivideByZeroException.h (EXAMPLE 1) defines an exception class that represents the type of the problem that might occur in the example, and (EXAMPLE 2) defines the quotient function and the main function that calls it. Function main contains the code that demonstrates exception handling.




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