Articles [Diseases]

                 frozen shoulder-it is a stiffness of the shoulder joint.It is also called  adhesive capsulitis of shoulder joint because in which shoulder capsule become stiff and inflmed ,so get adhesion and produce pain and reduce full range of...

The term ‘malaria’ has been derived from two Italian words – ‘mala’ means ‘bad’ and ‘aria’ means ‘air’. It was also believed previously that the disease was caused due to foul or poisonous or bad air coming at night from marshy or swampy places....

  Youngsters in modern society have many temptations. They divert them from the path of self discipline and make them lose duty-mindedness'. Thus they become burdens not only to themselves but also to others and even to society as a whole. One of...

Man suffers from various diseases by different pathogenic organisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasitic protozoans, helminthes etc. Also many harmful organisms live in our body as symbionts, but sometimes they invade certain of our body tissues...

Hi Every one.  I hope every one knows what is an allergy.  An Allergy is a mal function of our immune system which would cause a reaction to the normally harmless objects.   All such items are called "Allergens".    This  reaction  can lead to a...

Cancer is caused due to uncontrolled mitotic division of cells known as cancer cells, which invade and destroy the surrounding tissues. Normally, the cells in the human body grow in a well regulated way. But when cancer sets in, a group of these...

There are other non communicable diseases which are not caused by the malfunctioning of organs, but can damage their functioning. Some of these are as follows. Cancer This disease develops when the cells of a particular tissue of the body divide...


Diabetic is on the rise these days and there are various reasons for this increase. The major reason behind this is stress and tension. Majority of the people are in the IT sector and they have crucial deadlines to meet up and this causes stress...

How do you say, that a person really is mentally healthy, and not ill, give your opinions. And what do you think, is the majority of the population mentally healthy or ill? In my opinion in our current society you need a lots of luck and blessing...

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