Articles [C & C++]

Basics of Pointers :- Definition :- The pointer is nothing but an address. The pointers are useful for indirect access. The pointers are useful for the implementation of call by address. Declaration of pointer variable – The general syntax...

Arrays: Array is nothing but group of elements where all the elements are of same type. The two broad categories of the array are 1) One dimensional array 2)Multi-dimensional array. 1)      One-dimensional Array - Consider the following...

Fundamental Of Functions:- There are number of fundamentals associated with the functions. To understand these fundamentals let us consider the following example. # include void main ( ) { int x, y, z; int add (int, int);       // function...

The variable declared in the pgm will have certain storage class. The storage classes that are used in c++ one namely auto, static, register and extern.  1)  Auto and static storage class:- Consider the following pair of pgms void main (...

Following are the control structures that are used in C + + : A) Decision Making Statements:- 1.if statement 2.if-else statement 3.switch statement B) Looping statements:- 1.for statement 2.while statement statement C)...

DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT:-  Input /output (I/o) functions are directly performed by C + +. These are the header files which help in performing input/output function. cin and cout functions help in performing input and output activities. Cin and cout...

Preprocessor Directives: The processor directives are the Direction given to the compiler to carry out specific task even before compilation of the program start. Since we are directing the complier to carry out specific task before the compilation...

Data types In c++: Computer is of various types. It may include integers, characters, string etc. Types of Datatypes: 1.Integers 2.Characters 3.Strings 4.Floating point type 1.Integers: Integers are whole number such as 7, 12, 27, -7, -12, -27...

As the name suggest, a variable is a quantity which varies during  a program execution. In C + +, a variable is 0 location where the information is stored. This location exist in a computer memory where the value information can stored and a case...

C + + Tokens : The group of characters that logically belong together is called Token.Tokens are of following 4 types:- 1. Identifiers 2.Keywords 3.Constants 4.Operators 1. Identifiers:  A program can use various data items with symbolic...

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