Articles [Others]

The beginning I have been long wanting to write this tale but now that 20 years away elapsed I think I can put this lovely story on paper. Close to the place where I stay is a small Dargah. It is dedicated to Pir Badshimiya Qadri, but though...

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is supposed to be an integral part of the country. Despite this, the state has its own constitution and flag. It is also governed by a special article of Indian constitution namely article 370, which confers a special...

Imperialism is derived from the Latin word 'imperium' which means 'right to rule'.The definition of imperialism is the domination of undeveloped nation by a developed nation by virtue of establishing a colony.Africa - the second largest continent...

A revolution that took place in Russia during an international war i.e. World War I is called as Russian Revolution. World War I started in 1914 and ended by 1917 and during this period, in the year 1917 a revolution took place in Russia. What is...

The 18th century is known as the 'Age of Revolutions', as the three important revolutions took place in this century. 1. American War of Independence. 2. French Revolution 3. Industrial Revolution. The first two revolutions were the political...

China which is located in the Asian Continent is the biggest nation in terms of population.China was called as 'Dormant Nation' or a 'Sleeping Nation' as it remained isolated or aloof from the rest of the world till the second half of the 18th...

For the individuals who have long been in the web promoting business, focusing on activity has been a typical objective. Through time, they have without a doubt taken in the ropes of the exchange. They have been able to know which procedures are...

Khushwant Singh  Khushwant Singh is dead. He died on March 20, 2014 in New Delhi. I knew him for his column “With Malice Towards One and All” in the Hindustan Times that I used to read than anything else. I think it was widely read and...

Writing style Writing is an art that gives you power to communicate with your readers. Few people in the world are gifted with this art naturally although most of us believe or think that it comes easily or as god-gift but that is not true. That...

One day, Ramesh went to market by bicycle. On the way, his head began reeling. He fell to the ground. There was utter dark before him. He felt very light and almost weightless. He was moving very fast in utter dark. He felt that he was being...

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