In times of emergency,created due to natural calamities or at times when resources are very scarce, people need some kind of miracle idea to save lives.

One problem that we face during times of emergency like flood, storm, tsunami is supply of fresh and safe drinking water.Not only in the times of emergency do we need safe drinking water, but today in many cities and in vast number of villages, we need safe drinking water, because we have already used up most of the ground water.All the source of water that we can easily get is either dirty or contaminated.

The same grieved thought struck a man named Michael W. Pritchard.He says

"I developed the LIFESAVER after I saw the tragic waste of life and serious problems caused by the lack of safe drinking water in the wake of the tsunami in December 2004 and then again the following year on August 29, 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. I could not believe it. I really felt that something had to be done. It took a little while and some very frustrating prototypes but eventually I did it."

.His urge to create a change, gave to the world an invention of new kind, the one no one has never seen before LIFE SAVER BOTTLE-a filtration method, that can deliver safe drinking water, from any source of water, be it dirty or polluted.

How can you ensure safe drinking water from a water that is contaminated? Enter the science of nanotechnology!It is claimed that the smallest of bacteria are upto 200nm in size and the other deadly micro organism-viruses are smaller than bacterias, getting upto 25nm.So what do you do? find a way to filter these, hence we create a filter smaller than the smallest viruses or bacterias.The filter of the Life Saver bottles are of the order 15nm, hence no one is getting through!.Also most of the pollutants we know are larger than that.Hence this method is assured to deliver safe drinking water.

How safe?

see this video

Another video

Now let's go to some technical side of the Life Saver bottles.As mentioned before, the nanotechnological filtration method helps the bottles to remove all microbial germs like bacterias, fungi,viruses stc.,The good news is that it does this, all without the need of any chemicals or any other catalytic process.using chemicals to remove these micro organisms is what we are doing today, but we are merely drinking the graveyard of bacterias and viruses.Also we take in the chemicals that killed them!.This doesn't sound bad, but this is a serious issue in the long run.


How was the invention tested? in all means possible, from contaminated water, with dirt to water that contained millions of bacterias and viruses.The result is that the Environmental Protection Agency has approved the invention because the Lifesaver bottles purified the water in excess purity that what was legally required by the standards set by European standards!.if you had seen the video that was there a few lines before, you can see the real power of the Lifesaver bottles.To ensure that it is safe, many other technologies have been built into the Life saver bottles,like easy operation, easy replacement of parts, universal instructions set that can be understood even by illiterates, and fail-safe methods that ensure the bottle doesn't work if the purification is not possible anymore.All this without incorporating any electronics!.

These are the features that are offered by the Lifesaver bottles:

One of the simple, yet great feature of Lifesaver bottles is that they are able to do the filtration in any position.You keep it upright or facing downwards, it'll purify no matter what the position.This is not the case with most osmosis based purifiers.The filtration is done, when and where needed and the process is quick too.Unlike other handy purifiers, you need not wait for the purification process to initiate and finish.You just have too pour in or scoop some water, purify and drink - as simple as 1-2-3.

But what about water sources that might contain harsh debris like stones or sticks, metallic objects,etc.,? won't they damage the filtering mechanism? the answer is no! the Life saver bottle contains a pre-filter disc.This protects the filtering membranes from objects from such harsh debris.Hence it also increases the life of the purifying cartridges in the Lifesaver bottles.The intriguing thing about this pre-filter is that it is a sponge. Hence you can get water from creeks in rocks or from very little source of water.The inventor has indeed pushed the levels of thinking!

In how many languages does the instruction in Lifesaver bottles written?the answer is none.The Life saver bottle doesn't used text or numbers to indicate the instructions, rather than that is uses a series of visual icons that say what is need to be done.The image below will be self explanatory:

  • Close the lid on top
  • Open up the bottom by twisting the handle
  • Get some water into the bottle through the bottom
  • Close the bottom by placing the handle in place
  • After you have tightened the bottom cap, give a few pushes of the pumping handle available
  • Now turn the safety lock off by turning it once to the other side
  • Pop open the cap
  • Drink safe water


Remember, whenever you taste a mineral water, the water tastes rather sweet? it's because they have added small amounts of chemicals to sweeten the water, to get you away from tasting the real thing or the chemicals used to purify the water, tastes such.Whatever be the case, we are drinking water that contains chemicals that doesn't harm us, yet they are not needed for our body.But this changes with the usage of Lifesaver bottles - no chemicals used, just pure water.

The Lifesaver bottles are purified using two types of filters, one that can last upto 4000 liters of water purification , another that can purify upto 6000 liters of water.And the great advantage of these filters is that they not only filter out all micro organisms, but they also contain a fail safe technology that enables the bottle to stop functioning.How is it done? well after continuous usage, the bottle needs more number of pumps as time passes by, until at one point, whatever you do, pump as hard as possible, you won't get any water from the outlet!.

Since the bottle uses pressurised water to effect the purification, there is a possibility of increased pressurisation of the water inside it.To avoid this over pressurisation,the Lifesaver bottle will cause the bottle's lid to bulge.If the pressure seems to build again, then the cap open automatically, letting out the pressurised water.Also since every time pressurised water comes out(the bottle shoots out water!).You can use it to clean wounds.Or to pour effectively into a container or glass.

There is always a small, et predominant problem with bottles that contain teats( see the image below to see what is a teat).People tend to shew the teat, while drinking.Or if children use them , they bite the teat.This causes the problem of the teat to wear out soon or even worst case- causes obstruction to the flow of water,out of the bottle.But the bottle is fitted with a teat that is chew -proof and doesn't have any taste.But it will eventually wear out.But the good part is that one can easily change the teat since it is designed to be replaceable.

We talked about how the Lifesaver removes unwanted substance like debris, stones, mud, dirt, micro organisms like bacteria, fungi, viruses,etc., bu what about water that is contaminated with chemicals.Will the Lifesaver Bottles purify such water sources too? the answer is yes, it can!.The Life saver comes with what is called an active carbon filter.This is a active carbon filter since each piece of carbon filter  is designed to provide a large section of surface area, in order to allow contaminants the most possible exposure to the filter media.

Hence it reduces a number of chemical residues including pesticides, chemical compounds, medical residues and heavy metal residues such as lead and copper. This filter, since it has to react with chemicals, it is designed to last only for 250 liters because if prolonged exposure to chemical contaminants occur, the filter may fail to remove the chemical substance and can fail to give safe drinking water.




What can be the apparent advantages of the Lifesaver bottles? well you can figure that out yourself, but we will see some chief applications of the invention.

You no longer need to take a sterile drinking water from home.You need to purify using a water purifier, that wastes energy or you need to heat the hater, that wastes precious fossil fuel.Instead you can carry a Lifesaver bottle, that can easily purify water from any source that you can find, anywhere.Also it can be used when you are trekking, camping, travelling abroad or anywhere you don’t trust the water like in a restaurant or a hotel.Apart from day to day uses, Life saver bottle ensures you that you can get water in times of emergency, where you can get only contaminated water.The best thing is that the technology behind Lifesaver is not only built into handy water bottles, the same technology is built into larget water cans also!.

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