Machine Language : Every computer understand only one language without using translator program. This language is called as 'Machine Language' of the computer system.

The machine language of a computer is written normally as a string of a binary 0's and 1's. The machine language instruction converted into electronic signal for execution. The machine language instruction normally has two parts, the first part is operation code, that tell the computer what function to perform and second part is operand, that tell where to find or store the data to be manipulated. Each instruction tell the computer what operation to perform and length for location of the data field involves in the operation.

There are some operation include in the instruction set of computer : Arithmetic operation, Logical operation and Branch operation. Data movement operation for moving a data between memory location and registers and also for moving data from input to output devices.

• Advantage of Machine Language : The operation written in machine language can execute very fast by the computer because the instruction are understood by computer without the need for any translation.

Disadvantage of Machine Language : Machine dependent, difficult to program, difficult to modify and error prone are the some main disadvantages of machine language.

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