Papaya is one fruit which is not only tasty but also provides lot of health benefits. The fruit is rich in various minerals such as Potassium and Magnesium. Also, it is rich in Vitamin B, Folate and anti-oxidants. Mostly the yellow or the ripe papaya is eaten raw. It tastes sweet and delicious. The unripe or the green papaya is mostly used in curries and salads. Green papaya is little sour in taste.

Health Benefits of papaya

Papaya offers multiple health benefits, some of which are listed below:

  1. Intake of papaya daily helps proper digestion of food as it contains various digestive enzymes. These enzymes break down the food into amino acids which further help in digestion of food.
  2. Intake of papaya also helps relieve constipation and bloating of stomach.
  3. Because of its high fiber content, papaya lowers the cholesterol level.
  4. Papaya also helps relieve the pains of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis because of its anti-inflmatory and anti-cancerous properties.
  5. Papaya also strengthens the immune system.
  6. Papaya also lightens the complexion, hence it is used in various face packs and creams. Also, applying mashed papaya on face for few minutes lightens the skin and gives a youthful glow by removing the dead skin cells.
  7. Regularly taking papaya helps eliminate intestinal worms in children.
  8. Papaya also helps relieve morning and motion sickness.
  9. Papaya also helps get rid of all mentrual problems faced by many women.
  10. Due to its low calories content, papaya helps in weight loss.
  11. Papaya is rich in folate which lowers the risk of cardiac arrests.
  12. Papaya leaves are used in making tea to cure malaria.
  13. Papaya is also used as meat tenderizer as it contains enzymes which cook the meat easily.
  14. Papaya is also used in contraceptive pills.

Side Effects of Papaya

Papaya should not be consumed by pregnant women as it can result in abortion and miscarriage.

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