Orange juice is my favourite. This fruit is so popular that it got name of its color. Its been said that in America,
two and a half billion litres of juices are consumed each year. 30 billion oranges are harvested every year
in Florida, also known as sun shine state. Interesting fact about Oranges and Florida is Oranges out number 3:1
people of Florida. This means 1 human being in Florida equals 3 oranges grown. 6 million tons of citrus fruit is
produced every year.

Orange farm

oranges from farm

Harvesting of oranges needs huge amount of rain, good soil, sunshine. 180 cms of rain every year is exactly what is
 needed to grow oranges. Typically, 5 different types of oranges are produced and they ripen accordingly in terms
 of time. To isolate them, taste test is carried out and if sugar level is 10% in orange, then it is ready for
producing a juice. A special machine is used to pick oranges from trees. This machine picks 2 tons of oranges every
 minute. Once oranges are picked, these are then transported in 400 HP power truck towards juice making factory.

orange pulp

Oranges are then removed from truck and at the same time, they are washed properly. Then oranges are then moved onto
conveyors which are of about 2 kms long. These are then moved into processing plant where they are grated. As we
all know that every orange has its own size and usually they differ in size. These are then separated according to
 the size. After separation of oranges, they are then ready of extracting juice from them. Oranges are then put over juice
squeezing machine where oranges are squeezed to remove juices. These machines have set of pronges which directly
injects into each orange , and removing juice. Peeling of oranges are done later. At the same time, pulp of oranges
 are created which are then added with juice to produce authentic orange juice.

oranges in cartons

At last stage, taste test of orange juice is done where several measures are taken on sample of orange juice produced
and shipped accordingly. This way, authentic orange juices are prepared and made available in market.

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