Teenagers and kids always love fast food. Its taste and variety really attracts them. Such fast food items can be made at home itself thus making them healthy and free of many side effects. In this article I am providing two such recipes that can be made in our kitchen itself.

Pizza bun



Bun - 2
Ghee - 1 table spoon
Cheese grated - 6 table spoon
Onion finely chopped - 1
Oregano - 1/2 tsp
Green chilli finely chopped - 1
Garlic finely chopped - 4 cloves
Mushroom or chicken cooked - 1 table spoon
Pine apple - 1 table spoon
Tomato finely chopped - 4
Tomato sauce - 1 table spoon
Salt and pepper - As needed
White sesame seeds - 1/4 tsp

Method of preparation:

Heat ghee in a pan and saute onion, green chilli and garlic. Add tomato, oregano and tomato sauce to it and mix it well.
Add salt and pepper to it.
Cut each bun into two halves and put the gravy inside each one. Spread chicken or mushroom on the top.
Place a little pine apple on the top and spread grated cheese at last.
Close it with other piece and spread a little sesame seeds on the top.
Bake it in oven for 5-7 minutes. It serves for 2 people.

Meat-vegetable rolls



Cooked meat cut into very fine pieces - 1 cup
Maida - 2 cup
Beans - 8
Carrot - 1
Celery - A little
Capsicum - 1
Pepper powder - 3/4 tsp
Salt - As needed
Salad oil or vegetable oil - For frying

Method of preparation:

Finely chop beans, carrot, celery and capsicum.
Heat a little oil and add these vegetables and chicken pieces to it. Saute it for a minute or two. Add pepper powder to it. Put the flame off.
Add water and salt to maida and mix it well. Then make gooseberry sized balls out of it. Spread it like thin chappathi.
Add a little mixture to each of them and roll it once. Fold its ends too so that mixture won't go outside.
Deep fry in hot oil and serve hot with tomato sauce.

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