Well as the the title speaks about itself that is treating cancers and tumor cells through an amoeba.

This is not happening right now but it can be happen as i have given a seminar on this topic.

So lets start through basic how this idea came in my mind. I was studying about a species of amoeba which is pathogenic to humans the name of that amoeba is "naegleri fowleri" this amoeba gets inside the human host through nose from where it moves to brain. and there in brain it kills the brain cells for its food. In brain the amoeba has perfect environment to live its life. It needs warm temperature to reproduce. Its life cycle has three phases

1. Like normal amoeba with pseudopods.

2. trophozoite which has 2 flagella to move [this phase is the infective stage]

3. cysts in unfavourable conditions.

So the idea came in mind why don't we can use it for welfare of humans.

as we know that biotechnology industries is very advanced so why don't we remove/mutate its pathogenic parts present in dna to use it against only cancer cells.

Well w need to have some more advance techniques to achieve this goal As nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.

bye the way this amoeba cause PAM Pre Amoeboitic Meningitis whiich not curable till now.

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