The term `alternative medicine’ is describes several systems of healing or therapies that
not use artificial drugs or surgery. Some of these systems are based on ancient remedies
or on eastern methods of healing, but others are fairly new ideas. Alternative medicine
has a holistic approach, which means that the overall well- beings of the patient are taken
care of.
Osteopathy and chiropractic
These therapies treat backaches and pain in the joints and muscles. Osteopathy was
invented by an American doctor at the end of the 19th century. He believed that
most illnesses were caused by bones that were not in line. The treatment consists of
manipulating bones to get them back into their proper positions. Chiropractic, which
involves manipulation of the spine, was started by a grocer in the US in the late 1800s.
He believed that some illnesses occurred because the spine was crooked and pressed
nerves in the body.
Acupuncture and shiatsu
Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy, widely practiced all over the world. It is based on the
belief that energy flows in the body along pathways called meridians. A person becomes
ill if too little or too much energy is flowing. An acupuncturist uses very fine needles
that are stuck into the skin, at special points on the meridians, to correct the flow of
energy. Acupuncture is used to treat many conditions and has been used to anaesthetize
patients during surgery. Shiatsu means `finger pressure’ in Japanese. It involves pressure
being applied to various points on the body using the hands. Acupressure is acupuncture
without needles and is similar to shiatsu.
Ayurveda and aromatherapy
Ayurveda originated in India thousands of years ago. This system uses plants to treat
illnesses. It also involves abstention from certain kinds of food and drink the treatment. A
properly trained Ayurveda doctor understands the ways in which plant parts can be used
to prepare medicines by grinding them into paste to be eaten or applied as ointments and
lotions. Aromatherapy uses oil extracts from plants which are then used to message the
body, in baths and for inhalation.
*grapes are sometimes used as a natural remedy to treat common cold. A cup of grape
juice mixed with honey relieves one of cough and cold in a couple of couple of days.
*lemon juice is very effective in the treatment of dysentery. Pomegranate rind,
boiled in milk and taken in three doses at regular intervals, is another remedy.
*organic ingredients are often used in natural remedies.

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