Anxiety is a mood that usually announces any anomaly in the person, psychologically and physically. When we face a situation of stress, a bit of anxiety can come in handy, even keeps us alert and provides additional energy to complete tasks that are pending. But sometimes, this anxiety is transformed into an irrational fear, panic unknown that really only happens in our minds and can disrupt our lives.

Symptoms appear before a panic attack are many and varied, but among the top we can cite in particular a feeling of suffocation, pressure and chest pain, pounding heartbeat and rapid pulse (sometimes accompanied by arrhythmia). They may also feel nausea, dizziness and even vomiting, dizziness and disorientation. There are people who tremble and shiver, because of high blood pressure, feel tingling and numbness in the upper and lower extremities. Also, the individual has the feeling of living removed from reality as to be dreaming (or rather into a nightmare). Above all, you feel lost, empty, afraid to do something unusual, to die or be injured in some way. The reasons why a person can suffer these attacks are varied, but mainly be caused by a chemical imbalance in the body, or a relationship with an unconscious memory, the side effect of a drug or a psychological disorder is not detected.

To avoid panic attacks and anxiety, or at least have to be reduced, there are some simple guidelines and practices that professionals recommend. For example, learning to control the worry, this is a daily exercise that the individual would take about thirty minutes, during which they could consider all matters that concern you in the same place, at the same time, so that, little little, it will focus on reality, and then continue to carry out their daily tasks. Of course, it is also advisable to learn relaxation techniques, either yoga, muscle relaxation or breathing. Muscle relaxation is very effective for example, it is getting each of the muscles of the body from head to toe, then relaxing them. It also recommended some form of exercise from time to time, because it releases serotonin, which provides a feeling of wellbeing, and encourages the rest later.

We must put aside the harmful elements, such as alcohol and drugs because they are often the trigger for an anxiety attack by altering the chemical composition of the body. Caffeine is also bad, largely because it stimulates the nervous system.

If necessary, we must see a specialist to advise on the best technique or treatment to overcome this problem if so persistent. The most important thing is not self-medicate, as this may lead to worsening of an overdose even if you are not careful in the shots. The drugs used are very dangerous pills that have generated more of a problem for people taking them without prescription.

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