myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease in which weakness and fatiguability of muscle occur.It is autoimmune disorder.

symptoms-onset of disorder can be sudden.symptoms are intermittent.symptoms like double vision-drooping of one/both eyelids-weakness in arm,hand,finger,legs,neck-change in facial expression-difficulty in swalloing-shortness of breath-impaired speech.


by physical examination-tests for muscle fatiguability

             1 looking upward and sideward for 30 seconds.

             2 looking at feet while lying on back for 60 sec.

             3 keeping arm stretched forward for 60 sec.

             4 10 deep knee bends

             5 walking 30 steps on both toes and heels.

             6 5 situps,lying down and sitting up completely.

2 blood test-if diagnosis is suspected serology can be performed in blood to identify antibodies.

3 neurophysiology-EMG

4 endrophonium test-a chest x-ray,CT-scan,MRI

5 pathological findings


cholinesterase inhibiter and immunosuprresent drugs to reduce autoimmune process

or     surgery

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