Whenever we want to know the time we think of the clock. The clock is the one which is either hanged on the wall, placed on the desk or tied on the wrist. We set our time table according to the clock. But there is one such clock which is not visible to us but it sets our 24 hours time table without our notice. This clock is known as body clock. This clock controls our physical activities like eating, sleeping etc. It also influences our health and mind. This clock of our body is also called as biological clock. Even the science is incapable of understanding the work of body clock. But if we want to make our life easy with less worries, it is required that we should try to understand our body clock. Every process of our body is controlled by the body clock. With the help of body clock we can find answers to the following questions

  1. Which is the right time of taking medicine?
  2. Why do students find it difficult to wake up early in the morning?
  3. At what time the athlete can show his/her best performance?
  4. How to prepare our body for working during late nights?
  5. Why do we stay more healthy in winter?

These and many such questions can be answered by concentrating on body clock functioning.

Research is being done in the medical field to develop a new method of treatment based on body clock. This new method is known as chronomedicine. In this method, treatment will be done according to the mood of the body clock. Although the implementation of this method of treatment is not very popular in India, but it is widely practiced around the world. To lead a stress free and happy life in today’s fast world, it is necessary to have knowledge about body clock.

There are many similarities between a normal clock and body clock. Both the clocks have 24 hours time circle. But body clock is influenced by nature and controlled by mind. According to scientists, body clock is completely natural and never stops. It has quiet directly influenced by light but even in the absence of light it can work properly. According to research it is found that during ancient times, many people used to stay in deep forest away from natural light. But there body conditions specially in the evening hours like lower levels of body temperature, reduced amount of melanin in blood and lower levels of hormones were same as that of every individual in contact with natural light. This discovery has proved the fact of body clock.

The work of body clock is not limited to controlling body activities and biorhythm of human body, but it has brought a big revolution in the medical field. Many diseases are being treated on the basis of body clock. The symptoms of many diseases are seen after a specific interval and if medication is given within this interval then the treatment proves more effective and the patient gets cured in lesser time. This time interval can be measured with the help of body clock. The scientists, on the basis of their research are trying to convince the doctors that they should keep watch on the body clock while treating the patient. This will simplify the treatment and will save the time.

Cycles of body clock:

Just as time is divided in minute, hour, day, month and year, similarly body clock is also divided into many cycles. This division of cycles is known as rhythm

  1. Ultradian rhythm: This rhythm is of one minute. It is generally related with the moods of individuals. Sometimes we feel happy and then suddenly we feel sad. This happens due to the influence of Ultradian rhythm.
  2. Circadian rhythm: This rhythm is made of 16 Ultradian rhythms. These rhythms are of 24 hrs. These rhythms control the sleeping and waking activities including the daily activities.
  3. Circaseptan rhythm: This rhythm is of 7 days. It is related with the creation of the world. It is believed that God has created the world in six days and has taken rest on the 7th day. The reason why our body demands rest on the 7th day after working for six continuous days is Circaseptan rhythm.
  4. Infradian rhythm:This is a 30 days cycle. It is related with the menstrual cycle of females and it also has influence on the mental conditions of males
  5. Circaanual rhythm:The cycle is of one year. It is related with the annual weather changes, annual migration of birds, changes in the human moods and health according to season and seasonal depression.
  6. Seven year system: If we observe minutely, the life cycle of man, then the different stages of life appears in multiples of seven.
    Pre childhood – 1to7 years
    Childhood – 7to14years
    Young age – 14 to 21years
    Adult age – 21-42 years
    Old age – 42-70years and above
  7. Body clock from Sunday To Monday: The body clock not only works according to hours but also changes according to calender. It means that the body undergoes changes on every day of the week.
    1. Sunday: The stress level increases especially if one has to met several people.
    2. Monday: The rhythm of biological clock gets disturbed in the morning. According to research most of the people suffer from heart attack on Monday morning.
    3. Tuesday: According to study, it is the best day to work.
    4. Wednesday: Compared to other days the blood pressure and heart beat rate is high on Wednesday.
    5. Thursday:This day is best for completing important jobs and one should make the best use of Thursday.
    6. Friday: Most of the accidents take place of Friday.
    7. Saturday: There are chances of increase in blood sugar level. In order to maintain blood sugar level, one should not forget to take balanced breakfast on Saturday.

Body clock at different time hours:

Body clock shows different impacts at different time hours. It means that the capacity of body does not remains the same for the whole day.

1 A.M: Mostly the pregnant women suffers from labor pains at this hour. During ancient times, the birth of the child in the midnight was believed to be safe because there was no danger of wild animals.
2 A.M: The secretion of hormone required for the development of man takes place rapidly.
6 A.M: The rate of blood pressure and heart beat began to rise. The body shows the least level of insulin. The level of hormones also increases.
8 A.M: The joint pain and heart problem are very common during this hour.
12 A.M: The hemoglobin level in the body is highest at this time.
3 P.M: The body is full of energy and the breathing rate increases.
4 P.M: The body temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure is highest.
9.P.M: The resistance power of the body is least.
11 P.M: The symptoms of allergy increases.

The specialty of body clock is that it adjusts itself according to time and atmosphere. The body clock of people staying in various parts of the world works according to the time zone of that place. So in order to lead a healthy and balance life, one should try to understand body clock.

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