Recently I recieved a book written by Dr.Peter Hammond titled " Slavery Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat" from a friend who has retired from the Central Industrial Security Force. I have read the book and  found that it gives a mine of information. The book covers a vast arena, but for this article I shall b ring out the exclusive nature of Islam, which is the root cause of Muslims not integrating with the country where they have settled. Muslims in India or France or for that matter anywhere do not integrate with the culture of the country they have adopted as their home. In India also there is an exclusiveness in Islam and many people ( except some politicians) have observed that Islam is something distinct and more like oil and water   and just cannot mix up with the host nations culture. No wonder Muslims in India refuse to sing the national song " Vande Matram" and that includes our Vice President who is a Muslim.

As per Dr. Hammond Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult . The question then arises as to what Islam is ? As per the writer Islam is a system of life that dominates all facet of its followers. The author justifies this defination of Islam and points out that Islam is the only religion that has religious, legal, political, economic, social and military aspects, that are followed even in the 21st century. One cannot relate these aspects to any other religion in the modern age.

Dr Hammond asks a question whether a Muslim can be a good and loyal soldier or a good American( I will add Indian)  or citizen of the country he has chosen to settle in. The answer is a big " NO" and he justifies his repy as will be brought out in the succeeding paragraphs. All these points are mutually exclusive and no component can be ignored. The points raised are as follows

>   Can a Muslim integrate theologically? the answer is no, becuause his allegience is to Allah, the Moon god of Saudi arabia

>   Religiously ? the answer is again no as, because no other religion is accepted by Allah except Islam. One can refer to chapter 2:256 of the Koran. No wonder in Saudi arabia non Muslims are denied all rights and teh Grand Musfti has called for all churches to be razed to the ground. In India Muslims insist on eating beef , though the constitution calls for ban on cow slaughter in its directive principles.

>   Scripturally? The answer is a big no, as the allegience of a Muslim  is to the five pillars of Islam and the Koran.

>   Next we come to the Geographical concept. Here again  the basic allegience of a Muslim is to Mecca( wherever he may reside in the world) to which he turns to pray 5 times a day.

>   Domestically a Muslim cannot integrate witha nation because he is instructed to have multiple wives and he has the authority to beat his wives when they disobey him. In addition Muslim Imam's and kazi regulalry call for Christian and Hindu women to be impregnated by Muslim men as a part of the growth of Islam.

>  Politically? The answer is again in the negative as a Muslim will submit to the Mullahs who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of USA  often referred to as the Great Satan. In India the Muslim Law board controls all facets of Muslim life and frequent Fatwas are issued to vote against the BJP.

>  Intellectually also Dr Hammond opines that a Muslim  cannot accept the American constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and the Bible is looked at with disdain by Muslims. Islam can accept no other  religion and thus it is no wonder that in Muslim countries the laws of Blasphemy  bring death by beheadings. In India also Muslism do not accept the constitution and prefer to be governed by Muslim Law Board and we have dated laws like triple Talaq and polygamy.

These are some of the points raised by Dr Hammond. He has written his book with  the American  scenario in mind and he also says that can a Muslim be a good soldier ? His answer is an emphatic No, as was seen by the man called major Nidal who shot 13 fellow soldiers dead  at Fort Hood. What about India? I will let readers draw their own conclusions. Bear in mind that the Muslim concept of god is not all inclusive but exclusive. That is the problem



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