Articles [Yoga & Excercises]

In the recent time yoga has been gaining popularity due to the advantages it has. Yoga is beneficial for both mental and physical health . Yoga is used to stay fit and cure diseases also. Some diseases are such that cannot be completly cured by...

1)- Divide your daily meal in 8 small equal parts with a gap of 2 hrs(if possible), else 6 parts. 2) - Start taking Liv-52DS daily after ur 3 major meals. 3)- Keep focus on your natural food instead of food supplements . 4)- Cod liver oil is...

                     Massage is a systematic and scientific manipulation of soft body tissue.Massage instruments and vibrators are available in market.But human hands,source of human magnetism are best,human touch has its own healing powers.Massage...

                            Meditation is a technique by which person gets beyond the thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation.Actually meditation is deep and reflective contemplation,especially on religious or spiritual theme.Select a...

                                   Reflexology also called zone therapy and acupressure which involves stimulating deep massaging ,applying pressure to various points on hands and feet.A map of reflexologist indicates ,parts of the hands and feet...

                         Mainly mud therapy useful in controlling diarrhea and vomitting in case of cholera.Mud in the form of pack ,applied on the skin draws blood to surface and removes morbid waste matter and toxins.                       Types...

Always people feel shame of being over weight . The following are the tips by which one can reduce the weight fast in some days. 1.Regular going to gym- If daily exercising is done in gym it leads to fit body and creates a habit to exercise...

The Father of modern concept of Yoga was MAHARISHI PATANJALI of 3rd century B.C. He defines yoga as the complete mastery of mind and emotions. The philosophy of yoga tries to establish the concept 'Mind over Body'. The ancient Indian Literature...

If any of you is looking to loose weight,the best way is to join a gym.Most of the people watch t.v commercials like sauna belts etc. and think that buying those products will help them in reducing weight. One of the best way to lose weight is to...

Working out fitness Physical fitness involves exercises that develops body and puts it in the best physical condition. Just being active, like when you run around out side or play is a kind of exercise. What else count as exercise? Playing...

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