Articles [Personal Care]

Stress and life style Everything now points to the kind of person you are including the ailments that may afflict you ! Does that surprise anyone given the kind of stressful life we are leading nowadays? According to health experts there is no...

When you approach a commercial make up artist they always have extremely bright lights in area where they work . Most bridal make up artists ask you to come to their salon for this reason. Most home lights near the mirror are not strong enough for...

Winter Time is here and so is the festive season! There is merry making all around and the nip in the air is making us all feel lucky to be cozy inside our blankets. December, undoubtedly is one of the most enjoyable seasons of the year! But what...

What is Auto suggestion ? In our life some days are going to be easier than others and if we can remember this at least some of the times, difficult time would be far easier for us to face. It is an established fact that our thoughts control how...

Importance of having a strong network Having plenty of friends is an emotional cushion that can ease a person through life's blows and many stresses. But according to experts close relationships and social contacts remain crucial even when the...

Taste buds are important  If you think that, you are not enjoying your snacks like before even if you are not on any medication that could be a sign of serious problem. On the other hand, if you are not finding the same taste in dishes...

No doubt that we have many more months to go before summer sets in but there is no harm in planning ahead for the summer...In fact this is the time to plan and get sun smart this summer and your skin will thank you decades later ! Sun rays and our...

Your skin is important Every one likes beautiful skin in its natural way and this is truer for women. Natural glowing skin is one of the most important aspects of women’ but your skin must support basic needs and in case you lack any of the...

ఆరెంజ్ జ్యుసి చలికాలం లో దొరికే పండు. అలాగే ఇది చాల ఆరోగ్య మైన పండో అలాగే దీనిని అందం కోసం కూడా బాగా ఉపయోగించుకోవచు. ఆరెంజ్ సహజ అందం చేకూర్చే పండు ఇది మొహాన్ని ప్రకాశవంతంగా మరియు అందంగా తయారు చేస్తది. ఆరెంజ్ రసంతో అనేక ముకం సమూహములు ఉన్నాయి....

You already know that science is awesome, but do you know the ways that can keep you awesome in the summer heat? Sure, conditioned air is the best, and we hear that Canada is beautiful this season. But when you do not have access to main a/c or a...

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