Articles [.Net]

List of Keywords in Visual Studio C Sharp abstract     as        base         bool        breakByte         case      catch        char        checkedclass        const     continue     decimal     defaultdelegate     do        double      ...

Use of Comments in Programming This question may be arising in your mind about comment word. You might be thinking that why to use the comment in the program and what is the use of comments? Whether it is a part of program or whether it is...

using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; public partial...

Public Function SwapTable(ByRef dt As DataTable, ByVal col As Integer) As DataTable Try Dim dtTemp As New DataTable Dim inti, intj As Integer dtTemp.Columns.Clear() dtTemp.Columns.Add(dt.Columns(col).Caption) For inti = 0 To dt.Columns.Count...

#Region "ExporttoPDF"     Public Sub ExportToPDF2(ByVal strRptName As String)        Dim strParam As String = ""        Dim strPath As String = Application.StartupPath        Dim objFS As Object        Dim strPDF As Boolean = True        Dim...

 Public Function GetAlphabeticString(ByVal pStrText As String, ByVal pCharCase As TextCases, ByVal pLength As Integer) As String        If pLength > 0 Then pStrText = trimString(pStrText, pLength)        Return GetAlphabeticString(pStrText,...

Public Function GetSessionVar(ByVal pASPSessionVar As String) As String        Dim pASPCookieName As String        Dim pASPCookieValue As String         If Not GetSessionCookie(pASPCookieName, pASPCookieValue) Then            Return ""        End...

One of the interesting new features in Visual studio 2010 is that Microsoft has rewritten the code editor, and it's now 100% Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Because of this, they were able to add some exciting new features to the editor that...

This is code to insert Grid details in you can use this function in common class. you also need to declare required variable globally. public Boolean InsertGridDetails(ref DataTable dt, string TableName, String PkValue, string...

this is simple example to open and close connection in .net just use it with out hesitation and do not forget to include required name space like using System; using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data;   namespace Common{    public class...

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