Sleeping is a routine activity that one has to perform properly. Skipping sleep or getting over stressed will lead to drastic results on health. Sleeping is when all our organs will take rest and will relax. Why do we get the intention to sleep? when we lack oxygen at night we get the intention to sleep. we must not delay or restrain ourselves from sleeping. We must immediately keep out all our works and go to sleep. 


We had to keep a good timetable for sleeping. Students will sleep for ten hours during normal days but during exams they will sleep for just four hours. This cannot improve their performance in exams. We must have a regular time to sleep. There are people who sleep for different time for every day. This will cause serious problems. We must hold a regular routine for sleeping activity. Babies can sleep for 15 hours. Children for 12 hours. Young people for 8 hours. Elder people for 6 hours. 


Also the place that we sleep at, the environment and people will influence our sleeping capacity. Choose out a good place with sufficient air supply to sleep. If you prefer to sleep alone then sleep separately. Some people feel scared to sleep alone, they will prefer to sleep with someone. Then choose the right person to sleep with so that they do not disturb you.


The position that we choose also will matter the good sleep. When we turn towards our left when sleeping then breathing takes place on through the right nostril which helps good digestion. When we turn towards the right breathing is through the left nostril. So always turn towards left so that all the food will get very well digested. Always remember to turn towards some side while sleeping. This will reduce the stress over the kidneys.

Sound sleep is required for good health. When we sleep well we can improve concentration over our work and therefore improve ourselves.

Poor sleep leads to consequences like migraine, stress, deterioration of health and so.

So change your sleeping methods and lead a happy life.

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