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Number of couples are around without children. Some of them get children after treatment. But some couples do not have this luck, even after the treatment. Adoption is the last option for them. When they adopt a child, they can give proper care to that child. But a God-man's life is always busy with social activities. He wants to serve the people and the God. Therefore, he doesn't have enough time to spend with his adopted child. All children want to get the support and care of parents. Otherwise, their life will be miserable. As a mother, it is impossible for me to grant my child to a god-man for making his successor. 

First of all, why do you think of giving your child for adoption. Your child needs you more than anybody. Under your parenting, you can help in making your child an ideal child. A mother's lap is the only ideal place for a child.

rambabu wrote:
anil wrote:
usha manohar wrote:

Ideally a child should be brought by its parents but there are always exceptions and it happens in many cases, nt just godmen, even celebrities and Industrialists adopt other children when they have no children of their own so that they have someone to pass on their empire !!! .. Something similar happened here but the parents had second thoughts and probably wanted to bring up their child themselves !

Yes it is right that person who have not child adopt children, but the adopt children of nearest relative or an orphan one.

I agree with you. Adopting an orphan will be a deed of Social service. The parents are satisfied on two counts. One is having the satisfaction of bringing a child in to their homes. Other is the satisfaction that they did something to the society.

Adoption of orphan child is a noble deed, child get parents and home. One of my relative have not any child so they adopt one girl and boy. One another relative adopt boy because he have two girls of his own. Getting more chance to have male baby they prefer to adopt.




@ anil ...Adoption of orphan child is a noble deed, child get parents and home. One of my relative have not any child so they adopt one girl and boy. One another relative adopt boy because he have two girls of his own. Getting more chance to have male baby they prefer to adopt.



I too know of many people who have had a child of their own and adopted an orphan child. My cousin has a son and has adopted a girl who is 14 years old now. Similarly one of my cousin is an adopted child which we came to know only a few years back..It did jolt her and cause a lot of pain and misunderstanding but now things are fine ! So, it is always better to tell the child that he or she is adopted and normally you get counselled by adoption centers on how to deal with this aspect !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:

@ anil ...Adoption of orphan child is a noble deed, child get parents and home. One of my relative have not any child so they adopt one girl and boy. One another relative adopt boy because he have two girls of his own. Getting more chance to have male baby they prefer to adopt.

It is my opinion that it is not good for child and adopter to adopt child of more than 2 to 3 years. If child is enough mature it may possible than he/she will face problem is adjusting with adopter.



I too know of many people who have had a child of their own and adopted an orphan child. My cousin has a son and has adopted a girl who is 14 years old now. Similarly one of my cousin is an adopted child which we came to know only a few years back..It did jolt her and cause a lot of pain and misunderstanding but now things are fine ! So, it is always better to tell the child that he or she is adopted and normally you get counselled by adoption centers on how to deal with this aspect !


Adoption is truly a great deed. It becomes a social service when an orphan gets a family and a home. In exchange a childless couple becomes parents. It's a two way service but a very positive one. I feel the adoption should not take place within the family members because it may create a problem in later years so the best way is to adopt an orphan.


Adoptions within the family is not good. But adoptions from a distant  family are taking place. In any case, adopters should take the advice of Adoption Councillors.


I always give support to adoption. When we adopt a child, we give life to a child. If any child of our family lost his/her parents, what is wrong in that to adopt that child and look after that child like our own child? Couples who do not have children are always in stress. They can't lead a happy and peaceful family life. Adoption is the best solution for this problem. Through adoption, a child gets parents and the childless couples get a child. 

I agree with you. There is nothing wrong in Child adoptions. But in view of increasing abuse of Child adoptions, The Ministry of Women and child development, WCD, introduced new adoption rules . There are many cases, where in children are adopted even by teenagers and forcing the children for begging and many such atrocities. To curb such violations WCD introduced the new adoption rules.

Hence, child adopters should check if they are within the rules of new adoption rules.



We cannot blame anyone just like this without knowing the fact .in this case the parents are the culprit 

bhuyali saroj

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