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Quite an interesting study...I guess most women prefer their partners to be smarter than themselves ! It is a biological thing that man should be the bread earner thereby better educated and intelligent and strong rather than be weak and give in easily ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Even an uneducated woman believes that her husband should be more stronger, more educated than herself. But I don't understand the link between her belief and hatred towards Mathematics.


usha manohar wrote:

Quite an interesting study...I guess most women prefer their partners to be smarter than themselves ! It is a biological thing that man should be the bread earner thereby better educated and intelligent and strong rather than be weak and give in easily ..

but presently woman are not less man, they are beating man in almost every field whether it is study related or sport related.  


bhuyali saroj

Now women are coming of age. The belief that a woman wants her man  to lead her family and children in the course of life is normal. This view or belief exists not only in rural woman , but in urban women too.  For this, is it essential for a woman to hate Mathematics ? This kind of belief may be useful for those Scientists who come up with such bizarre studies from time to time.


if the woman hate maths so much, then how they are so good in maths because if we give 100 rs to a man to run his home for one then he will be unable to do so but that same thing if we give it to woman then she will be able to do that with an ease.

bhuyali saroj

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