Due to power shortage our city is facing 7 hours of power cut. It is really very irritating that why common people should face this situation always. :P
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This is due to the bands we are having no one is working in singhareni and no coal.So government has taken this decision.

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Over population is major cause for most problems. Every year new houses are being constructed for ever increasing population and so more electricity is needed. Electricity demand is increasing for homes, factories, institutions, hospitals etc. The basic issue is limited resources and more population.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes this is due tot he bandhs at singareni. there is alot of loss due to power cut

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I agree that Singerani people are on strike. But throughout the year some ways can be implemented for producing the power for future use. Why there is no alternatives.
Singerani people are on strike.We know it. But somehow Govt should be prepare to solve this.

you are right rajni power cut of such long hours is really irritating.those people should get back to work and the government should listen about their demand to find a solution and give relief to other people.

but isha, their demands are to give them telangana. so how can government divide the state into 2.It is not good for anyone. this creates alot of destruction in may fields

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The reason for strike is really very silly and government can not stop such demands neither can satisfy them. But government can save power for future use through some methods.
Power cut is a big issue in big metropolitan cities and suburbs too and I think government should find out some innovative ways to deal with it. It is a big concern and should be in the top priority list of the government...!
Yes i agree with sarala.And from today on wards there will be more power cuts.The one of the power station is going to stop the production.

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