A case of brutal ragging with blades has been noticed. This is at class VIII level.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Ragging was done during early days...just for fun and for building up a relationship between seniors and juniors. Bt when seniors began to use this opportunity in a wrong way of finding fun, ragging began to show its bad faces.
Some years before, it happened in a medical college of Kerala where senior boys rapped a junior girl, in the name of ragging. That's why, here rules of ragging are more strict.
Small funs are OK. We will remember them after years as funs of college. But, torturing a student, either physically or mentally is not at all a good sign.

Meera sandhu
Ragging was done just for fun.But when these ragging turn into violence these are dangerous.Most of the times we heard in news about those violence ragging.But now if anybody found doing these in school or colleges they are punished but don't know why student instead of fun play with the lives of others.Really a shameful act.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Oh God! Ragging in schools unbelievable. Students were severly punished if they break discipline of the school. Thus we have always made fun and jokes not ragging. I have heard and seen many bengali medium schools practicing such worst deeds. Teachers should control and teach morals to the students.
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