How to Improve Your English Grammar. The best book which i can suggest you is English Grammar by Wren and Martin.
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The Book by Wren & Martin is standard text book on English grammar. Constant practice in reading and writing can improve grammar.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, I agree with Gulshanji,

The English Grammar book by Wren and Martin is really best.

I always referred to it.

Be positive
Go for JPH also.....
Practice makes a person perfect.I have alsoheard of this book when I was in my high school.
Unless one takes serious interest in it and any thought of improvement is impractical and I have observed this lack of interest in many students developing into a phobia!
i will ask you to go for a best english gramer teaching site. you can know the basic and then you must write a lot and read a lot.
By reading the english newspapers daily helps us to improve the english

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habbit of seeing english news channel and movies channel in which there is subtitles. thats helps a lot.
One have to practice what he studied.Else it will be like word writtten in water.

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English is probably one of the most difficult languages to learn! I've always been grateful that I was taught it at a very young age.

Constant exposure is probably the best way to learn any language
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