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we don't love all equally but there are some persons whom we love but they actually hate us this hurt the love and that love degrading then regularly.
No at all we all dont love equally every person is having their own love fellings

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Both in love and hatred we are discriminatory and disproportionate and rightly so!
I don't know any person in this world,who don't have mutual disputes with any one in this world. No one can love all of them equally. This is not possible.

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It's neither possible to love equally nor is it possible to hate in equal measure!
Thank you said by: Ronark Bhardwaj
I recite a quote always - Love all , trust few , follow one.There equal has no chance!

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yes i love all the religion in a equal manner and equally.
Human beings are bundles of emotions. They are bound to be biased and unequal.

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It really different to be equal towards all. We can do this,many are doing,but its really really difficult to do .

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no we can't love to all equally.
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