What is spamming ? What type of messages are called a spam


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Spamming is nothing but an act unfairly undetaken to the disadvantage of others!
Spamming is the process of sending unwanted bulk messages or mails to the id's of different users...These messages generally deals with unwanted advertisements etc..
If we do not want any unwanted message we can use spamming.This is a network based service.

Spamming in the context of this forum is nothing but flooding posts which add nothing by way of value and done mainly with an eye to log points!
[quote]Spamming in the context of this forum is nothing but flooding posts which add nothing by way of value and done mainly with an eye to log points! [/quote]

Could not have answered it better than this! Also the forum posts become a spam when very old and irrelevant threads are brought to the front that do nothing for the topic or the reader.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Message that play foul and are not genuine are spam. The latest spamming messages are like: "I do not know the topic and hence cannot reply."

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

can any one will explain clearly about this and how it is taken in this site.

Earn money just for joining in this site.


spamming is something to send a large amount of emails by broking the rule and regulation is called spamming.

A few posts of our senior members have clarified it in the most intelligible manner! A spam post in forum serves the cause of an individual in terms of gaining points not others!!
Spamming is sending unsolicited emails. These are identical mails sent to various addresses usually for fraudulent purpose.

When we talk of spam posts on Boddunan, we mean those that are for advertising products or certain websites, are irrelevant and are only for earning points.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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