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Friends early man would think and become confuse if he could not eat fruits in proper way. We are developed and we have many ways of have it. ;)

Yes, there are many ways. But there is only one way that;s correct. That's your own way.
At any time we can take fruits . It is a good diet for health.
Anytime Fruits are good for our health.

You must eat at least one fruit daily.

Be positive
Well fruits are very good for health and fitness so when we eat fruits wash first then eat, Don't wash
fruits, after cutting them. It spoils all vitamin, and minerals of the fruits. Eat fruits regularly for better
Well fruits are very good for health and fitness so when we eat fruits wash first then eat, Don't wash
fruits, after cutting them. It spoils all vitamin, and minerals of the fruits. Eat fruits regularly for better

For good results its advised to eat fruits in the morning before anything
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