Alexa Rank as on 12th September

Traffic Rank in India 10891

Alexa Traffic Rank 82399
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Our rank has taken some kind of beating in recent times but now I find some improvement.It's time to put in some extra efforts to bring it back on the rails!
Yes the revenue shared this month shows that popularity has increased ...hope the active members contribute as always they do.. :)
Yes, i agree with Rajani. We must work hard and increase our contribution to move forward. :)
Chinmoy it must be because of your come back..You are really active here nowdays,..Thanks for wonderful contribution on forum
Rajani i think the main reason for the increase in amount shared in revenue per individual share is due to less number of shares. Otherthan that the total revenue is more or less the same as the previous month.
That's not the case,Sajeetharan! if we are to ensure the steady progress of our site every one has to play it big! It's beyond the capacity of any single individual- that's my firm belief.
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