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seats shouldn't be reserved .each seat should be alloted to the student who got seat on his talent and can be of any part of india but pakistani kashmiri are really indian or are they residing in pakistan. this is not clear to me?
Isha. i also do not agree with reservations. As regards your query on kashmiris, all Kashmiris including those in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (so called Azad Kashmir) are citizens of India.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

NO way! There should be absolutely no reservation system based on any criteria! The existing reservation system should also be abolished soon or there is going to be a seriour dearth of really capable and efficient professionals.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I doubt if any such move is going to fetch the desired results! Our experience with resevation policy which the founding fathers of our constitution envisioned for 10 years still continues with devastating effects should make us sit up!!
I think regarding the education of backwards we have to have the reservation system in force for some more years.

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