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He he.. Mobile phones can.. Even thought someone other is talking but still we can hear from that only..ha ha

May be Sarala knows it? :)

Hope she comes to this thread soon and answer it. :laugh:
Till then we should try to find other answers for this...

Till then we should try to find other answers for this...

Is it radio? or TV? :laugh:
He he.. That's a good one.. But how you will connect them with word roming.

He he.. That's a good one.. But how you will connect them with word roming.

:woohoo: It roams that's why it tells news of whole world..hehehe.. :woohoo:
It may be internet this one can talk when it dont talk also.

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here i got the answers, cell phone, Internet

Cell phone wont roam all the cities and internet also if we operate then only it works and gives us the message.

But this thing without any operation of us roam all cities and come to our home and tell all everything

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Post card now I got the answer is it right or wrong sarala.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

here i got the answers, cell phone, Internet

Cell phone wont roam all the cities and internet also if we operate then only it works and gives us the message.

But this thing without any operation of us roam all cities and come to our home and tell all everything

Cell phone roams. That is why we pay roaming charges.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

here i got the answers, cell phone, Internet

Cell phone wont roam all the cities and internet also if we operate then only it works and gives us the message.

But this thing without any operation of us roam all cities and come to our home and tell all everything

Then .. May be it is newspaper.. what you say? :whistle:

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