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Hmm .... It is a boat.. ;)

But can see the building models... :P

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I guess building models made with the help of clothes.

This indicates the globalization!!
Well somewhat reaching the point but still have to think.. :P :)
Rajani i found the link for your image!!!
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]Rajani i found the link for your image!!![/quote]

Sajee I think you are expert in finding links :P ..S
So now why dont you only reveal the answer..
Oh! really a nice one,Rajani. I cant believe that it is a needle craft. :)
Sajeetharan, hats off to your honesty,IQ and innocence. It is like student telling his teacher,"Teacher I have found it in this page". :P :P :P
Sorry for i have lied so much about sajeetharan in my previous reply. :P :P :P
Rajani, The answer is in the page itself, Why should i post them here again!

Nagalakshmi, "Neenga nalla kaala vaareenga!" Hope you understand!
Sajeetharan, It is a long time since i have heard some tamil sentences,Man. I know you won't mind me kidding. ;) :P
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