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Like everybody else I too can remember every little incident that made an impact on me, one obviously cannot remember day today events. In fact I doubt if people can remember what one did a month ago on a particular day unless there was some special event or something unusual happened that made an impact on your mind .

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

One may not remember every detail of an incident or an event that happened on a particular day and date. unless that incident or event has a specialty linked to the event. This happens during festivals. And makes one every detail of the incident. I remember such incidents that happened even in my childhood.


We all remember special events like festivals and tragedies or any such events that have had some bearing on your life...In fact when a person has amnesia and later if and when the memory comes back , the first memories he remembers are apparently of his or her childhood ones. So, almost everyone remembers these without any effort or because of yoga or meditation, it is a natural process ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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