Does everybody have the same blood?
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Are you talking about composition of blood? In general i think cold blood and hot blood are referred sometimes. Some animals are send to have cold blood and the color of their blood also vary. Humans however have same blood but different blood groups.
Composition of blood is same for human But groups are different.Composition of human and animals are different.
No. We have different blood groups. That is why this is necessary to know fort blood transfusion. Blood is stored by group on donation.

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Everybody wont have same amount of blood in their body and same group wont be.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

i think theblood group are different for different people but blood composition are same in all human being.
Ajay, can you be more specific about the question?. I think you are talking about the quantity of blood a human body has, right?
The colour of blood in human are same.But the Rh factor and antigen and antibody differ in individuals.That is why different blood groups are present.

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Yes blood can be same in few factors like colour, and with different blood groups,

According to blood groups we have different forms.In composition,it varies from men and women.
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