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Comparing Jinnah and someone else to RSS and Hindu Mshasabha is nothing but hogwash that is being spread by communal parties like Congress and it's supporters. After selling away, dividing and fragmenting India they spread such bull shit to cover their own guilty conscience

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:Comparing Jinnah and someone else to RSS and Hindu Mshasabha is nothing but hogwash that is being spread by communal parties like Congress and it's supporters. After selling away, dividing and fragmenting India they spread such bull shit to cover their own guilty conscience
What is Hindu Rashtra. This simply means that Hindus are nation by themselves. Similarly, Jinnah and Iqbal believed that Muslims are one nation. This is glaring historic reality- as true as day. Just go through literature of RSS- read Golwalkar and Iqbal. Even some search on Google will substantiate this. There is no doubt that two nation theory of Jinah and Hindu Rashtra of R.S.S. and Hindu Mahasabha are two sides of the same coin. 


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The ideologies of RSS are based on Hinduism and Patriotism and there is nothing wrong with that since they are at least being straight forward with it unlike parties like Congress which are openly communal but preach secularism. If the country has reached this state of communal division today it is thanks to misrule and mishandling by Congress party, there is no point in blaming RSS since the ruling party made sure that they were kept out of the mainstream by branding them . It is only now that the citizens are realising the damage caused by parties like Congress ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
usha manohar wrote:

The ideologies of RSS are based on Hinduism and Patriotism and there is nothing wrong with that since they are at least being straight forward with it unlike parties like Congress which are openly communal but preach secularism. If the country has reached this state of communal division today it is thanks to misrule and mishandling by Congress party, there is no point in blaming RSS since the ruling party made sure that they were kept out of the mainstream by branding them . It is only now that the citizens are realising the damage caused by parties like Congress .

I agree that Congress is also not really secular. In fact, RSS and B JP believe in Hard core communal ideology whereas Congress is a soft Hindutva party. Gandhiji also talked of Rama Rajya, which is not a secular concept.  His well known hymn- Raghupati Raghav Raja Rama Patit pawan seetaa Raam, Ishwar allah tere naam is a big deception. Neither Hindu nor Muslims would reconcile to such sort of cocktail. 


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
usha manohar wrote:

The ideologies of RSS are based on Hinduism and Patriotism and there is nothing wrong with that since they are at least being straight forward with it unlike parties like Congress which are openly communal but preach secularism. If the country has reached this state of communal division today it is thanks to misrule and mishandling by Congress party, there is no point in blaming RSS since the ruling party made sure that they were kept out of the mainstream by branding them . It is only now that the citizens are realising the damage caused by parties like Congress .

I agree that Congress is also not really secular. In fact, RSS and B JP believe in Hard core communal ideology whereas Congress is a soft Hindutva party. Gandhiji also talked of Rama Rajya, which is not a secular concept.  His well known hymn- Raghupati Raghav Raja Rama Patit pawan seetaa Raam, Ishwar allah tere naam is a big deception. Neither Hindu nor Muslims would reconcile to such sort of cocktail. 

I doubt if there is anything like soft Hindutva, it is either you support or are a fence sitter which is opportunistic.. definitely no one would want that !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
usha manohar wrote:
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
usha manohar wrote:

The ideologies of RSS are based on Hinduism and Patriotism and there is nothing wrong with that since they are at least being straight forward with it unlike parties like Congress which are openly communal but preach secularism. If the country has reached this state of communal division today it is thanks to misrule and mishandling by Congress party, there is no point in blaming RSS since the ruling party made sure that they were kept out of the mainstream by branding them . It is only now that the citizens are realising the damage caused by parties like Congress .

I agree that Congress is also not really secular. In fact, RSS and B JP believe in Hard core communal ideology whereas Congress is a soft Hindutva party. Gandhiji also talked of Rama Rajya, which is not a secular concept.  His well known hymn- Raghupati Raghav Raja Rama Patit pawan seetaa Raam, Ishwar allah tere naam is a big deception. Neither Hindu nor Muslims would reconcile to such sort of cocktail. 

I doubt if there is anything like soft Hindutva, it is either you support or are a fence sitter which is opportunistic.. definitely no one would want that !

So far no other religion can grow here, if hindutav is not soft.


I agree that Hinduism has had a lot of tolerance but the leaders of this country have taken undue advantage of this and kicked them around to a point to such an extent that  today they strike back for their own identity in a nation where they are in majority. 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In my place, Muslims enter Hindu temples and Hindus go to Mosques. We never felt the Difference. MOHARRAM is celebrated by village goddess festival Muslims  take part.

Not just in any one particular state but all over the country, while interacting people don't really bother who belongs to what religion . Recently, when we had the Diwali celebration organised by the city corporation, one could see people belonging to different religious groups taking active part by volunteering etc. I have also seen that minorities respect the tradition and custom of Hindus and vice versa until the people's representatives step in to mis guide them by reading too much into any untoward situation.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Hindus entering mosques and Muslims entering temple is really bizarre and is a comical cocktail of religions.  What is really needed is that nobody should interfere with others's religion and follow the principle- Live and let live. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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