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I am eagerly looking forward to hear what is happening in Pune today which is considered ' Dooms Day' there? Please let me know if anyone knows.

Born to express, not to impress.
Yes, This is special and a unique numerological combination of date, month and year.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9496]}

Be positive
12-12-12 has become the topic everywhere
TOI news bit says Dooms Day, though i don't believe any of these dates

if so, make a wish fast. we are going to die today :silly: :silly: :silly: :laugh: :laugh:

You are making terrific humours often. Your sense of humour is amazing. Are you eagerly looking forward to 'Dooms Day'?

let me make my 'aakri wish'.... :silly: :silly:
I want to see you all :dry: :dry:

Your Aakhri wish will be fulfilled on 13-12-'12

as Boddunan bhoots? :unsure: :unsure:
am ready........
we can chat from a banyan tree :laugh: :laugh:

I prefer the Peepal tree, I will talk you from across the Peepal tree! :silly: :laugh:

i prefer wi-fi ;)
now bhoots are also advanced :cheer:

True the bhoots are advanced but they will still need to sit on a branch! :laugh:

Why do we need wi-fi when we can travel ourselves? Sandhya booth, i am coming to kerala :p

Swetha are welcome :cheer: :cheer:

Now it seems i lost my way. Instead of reaching Bhoo Lokam, I reached "Bhoota Lokam"..... Bhago
I got up late, i had an all fruits breakfast, i called Sandhya at 10.30am, i called Kalyani at 12:12 noon, i had a very simple lunch and my favorite curd, i quarelled with my fiance......what more can i ask for 12/12/12?

Swetha Shenoy
I got up late, i had an all fruits breakfast, i called Sandhya at 10.30am, i called Kalyani at 12:12 noon, i had a very simple lunch and my favorite curd, i quarelled with my fiance......what more can i ask for 12/12/12?

all are interested in gossips...
why did you quarel with your fiancee? ;)

Meera sandhu
Can it be true, I don't think so, there might be natural calamatie, but world may not end

It went normal as a busy day for me and nothing usual happen so I am safe. Not joining the gang of bhoots that Sandhya is preparing.. :laugh: :)
I got up late, i had an all fruits breakfast, i called Sandhya at 10.30am, i called Kalyani at 12:12 noon, i had a very simple lunch and my favorite curd, i quarelled with my fiance......what more can i ask for 12/12/12?

all are interested in gossips...
why did you quarelled with your fiancee? ;)

I agree! I agree! So what was the quarrel about?/ :evil: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It went normal as a busy day for me and nothing usual happen so I am safe. Not joining the gang of bhoots that Sandhya is preparing.. :laugh: :)

Yes, the day came and went! Now we should wait until 21st and see what happens!! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It went normal as a busy day for me and nothing usual happen so I am safe. Not joining the gang of bhoots that Sandhya is preparing.. :laugh: :)

:angry: :angry: :angry:
when I prepare the list of members for Boddunan Bhoots on Dec21st, I won't include you :evil: :evil:
Katti B) B) B)

Meera sandhu
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