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usha manohar wrote:
rambabu wrote:

As an example, let us see an Indian marriage. After the marriage, the husband and wife take the responsibility of solving their own family problems. Starting from children education, health etc. Parents of both the wife and husband will not interfere . In some cases in laws interference is vehemently refused too. Akin to this gay couple too make their adopted children (if they choose to adopt) know who's their mother and father.

I think, this's what Usha said.

What I actually meant was - whether the gay marriages would be conventional like what a marriage between a man and woman would be, because obviously it will not be the same in some respects ..But emotions and maternal, paternal feelings are the same and why should they not be good parents ?


Absolutely. When gays are married, it meant they both act and behave in the same way as normal parents.


There has been opposition to this move by the US supreme court and foremost among them is Bobby Jindal ,governor of Louisiana who created a controversy by saying he was not an Indian although his parents are from Punjab...There are other politicians as well who are totally opposed to the law granting rights to the gay community !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Opposition and criticisms galore are expected because it's hailed and welcomed by the Majority countries including Predident Obama.


I am the odd man out. I think same sex maybe  fleeting  may be condoned, but cannot and should not lead to marriage. In the Book of Genesis it says that God destroyed the sin cities of Gomorrah  and Sodom. Though I don't have much faith in religion the fact is that these same sex marriages may  in the long run have extremely adverse effects on western society

The good and bad effects of same sex marriage will be known over a period. Anyhow constitutional approval of Same sex marriage was expected on the same day when the Supreme court delivered the verdict.

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