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Attachments are the chief cause for distress. You have to find a way to get away from the shackles of Attachments. Take something new avocation . And put your heart and soul on it. It releases you from the shackles of attachments.

Just think about it, while playing with any operating system be it mobile or windows computer, we tend to change theme or wall paper from time to time in order to have some refreshing look, and change of perspectives, life is similar, it is one such operating system where we tend to change the thought processes just the similar like that of themes of operating system.

That's the essence of change, which is required. I do change my work routine in order to escape from boredom. Remember work never tires you, but boredom kills you.

I feel that distances doesn't affect relationships if you really try to maintain them. And even nowadays you have so many apps to stay connected with your friends howsoever far they are. 


It's all about having a grip over your emotions. Seeing the things in real perspective and knowing Unions and partings are just a cycle like Day and night.

True with plenty of apps and virtual connections and few minutes of mind ful internet browsing would solace mind and refresh it fully.

The best thing would be to take the things in your stride and take them as they are. In this process one can use the technological devices and go ahead. Nothing should be stopped or bring the life to a grinding halt because of some inevitable happenings. The show must go on.

Sanjeev, you should be happy for him, today world is a small place, you can always keep in touch with him via technology, cheers :)

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Oneshould  know that all of us get affected by UPs and DOWNs of life. Be it a prince or a pauper.Wisdom lies in choosing a proper course to deal with the situation. And this choosing of an appropriate course is entirely your responsibility. A river will not stop when it is hindered by a mountain. Instead, it changes it's course and continues its onward journey towards sea. That's life.

Few days back on Times of India, a list of boring apps were given and you could try those in order to feel fresh. One such app has end button which does not work even it is so popular that more than 50,000 people downloaded on their smart phones.

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