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Harish- Extra marital relations and live in relations are certainly not acceptable in the society and these are considered immoral. However all immoral activities are not illegal. The apex court has only ruled that no body can be punished for extra marital relations, live in relations or airing views favoring these.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


You are right and domains of legality and morality are different. If I steal to feed a starveling, my action may be morally right but legally it stands at an altogether different plane. Now coming to the main topic,every educated person needs to have an open mind on concepts which originate outside our shores.I,for one,never believe whatever comes from the west is good for us.We need to filtrate these before we accept and absorb them keeping Indian realities in mind.Sexual promiscuity can never be good for any society.And live-in relationship should be viewed in this light and as I have pointed out earlier that its limited acceptance and acceptability are a clear proof of Indian psyche rejecting this.
The Apex Court judge during proceedings in the case of South Indian actress- Khushboo- referred to Radha and Krishna. In today's agra based newspaper, dainik jagran, the item is on front page. The devotees at mathura/ Vrindavan are unhappy at mention of Radha and Krishna in the context of live in relation. It may be stated that Radha and Krishna are worshiped. Krishna and Radha were childhood friends only and by no way their relation can be considered as live in relation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now I understood the topic of discussion.This is a serious issue that may destroy our Indian Culture.So it should not be allowed.
Yes, live in relation should not be accepted by Indian society.Cultural invasion is a severe problem.Beware of it.

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Live in relation is not accepted by most of Indians- especially those in small towns and villages. The only issue is whether this should be considered illegal and punished. although bad, this is not illegal and courts will not interfere.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Live in relationship is quite common in western countries like US. However, the question here is about its acceptability.
To be acceptable anything in this world should have higher advantages and lesser disadvantages.

Advantages in this case are in the favour of the two individuals who are into such relationship.

Whereas disadvantage is for the offspring who are result of such relationships. The biggest disadvantage to the offsprings is the psychological harassment during their growing years.

Now it depends on the individuals how to convert the disadvantages into advantages and move forward.

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As in the case of pre marital sex this also may be allowed by law.But we have to keep away ourselves.
The trend of live in relation is confined to metropolitan and big cities. The people do not actually belong to these places and locals do not know them. Nobody will inquire about marital status. If you find any couple together, you will assume that they are married. Thus, the couples can live together without formal marriage without any one noticing them. However, I do not know why these couples should just maintain live in relation if they like each other and intend to live together permanently. Only a small and simple wedding ceremony and registration is required.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes gulshan... the law says that the customs of the male are to be followed...... the female changing her surname itself says this!!!!

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