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No Deepti. Law does not say anything about whose customs to be followed. The customs are of communities. Most communities are patriarchal. The head of family is male. But many communities especially in North East are matriarchal. In such communities, female is head of family and she inherits property. Marriage and property relations are governed by community personal law. So, we have Hindu law, Mohammedan law and Christian law for governing such relations.
The live in relations are not accepted in any community. These relations are not lawful but also not illegal. so, there can be no punishment or any disadvantage for live in relations and extra marital/ pre-marital relations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is not a cultural invasion. It is a deep-rooted social stigma that is present right there in Indian societies irrespective to relations and lineages.

People are trying to legalise this social shame and make the society a hell.

Harish Jharia
So it purely depends upon the relation and understanding of the partners. Nothing to do with society.... What ever we feel comfortable should be followed

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Humans are bound to follow social protocols... if you live your life based on mutual agreements and understandings then there will not be any difference left between humans and stray animals.

Harish Jharia
The things depends how the society handles it. In western culture these things happens and they don't have any social problems. But here if some one talks every body starts murmuring about the thing and makes it an issue.
Mostly people follow social customs. The people living away from their home town are often cut off from their main stream social life and indulge in loose relations like premarital sex and live in. These are socially bad but the law does not interfere in such cases. The law comes in picture when there is a cognizable offence or in case of non cognizable offense, the aggrieved party complains. Moreover, in such relations, there is no aggrieved party as such.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Human civilisation and its various societies are more than 2500 years old. humans have discovered solutions to each and every possible mischiefs that people are expected to commit.

Harish Jharia
As a deterrent to the illegal relationships and even child abuses right inside families, forgetting blood relations humans have discovered the 'Red light area' where they could quench their evil desires.

Harish Jharia
In spite of all that people want all that they desire, legalised so that they need not follow any rules and social protocols.

Please spare time to read this article:
Do we have a child within us…?

Harish Jharia
At the end it all depends on ones self control.

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