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Such type of relationships are not entirely new to India!! We do have age-old traditions of Devdasis and nagarvadhus!! Also, until recently, it was considered quite honorable and manly to have a second concubine along with a lawfully wedded wife! Then why such a hue and cry over a live-in relationship?? At least in this, the man and woman are faithful to each other even if they are not married!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


As long as the partners remain faithful to each other we don't have any problems but the arrangement on its face looks very loose and fragile unless it's structured on a legal form.
Kalyani- There is no problem with live in relations in metropolitan and big cities as nobody bothers even about the next door neighbor. The problem is more in villages. However, it is better to go through a simple wedding ceremony and marriage registration. Recently, I saw a court decision according to which children out of live in relation may inherit their parents property but have no title to grandparents'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with Gulshan,the legal implications have been highlighted very well by him.
@Gulshan, Chinmoy, I totally agree with what you both say! But where the question of being faithful to one other is raised, the relationship being legalised formally does not ensure total faith to each other! With couples spending increasingly more time apart from each other, there is in fact a rising trend of affairs outside marriage!

where the children's wellbeing and other issues are considered, I too agree that live-in relationship is not very beneficial!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Agreed! No law can ever take care of that.
It all depends on one's thinking and commenting and controlling such relationships is of no use.

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I was pained to see that the spelling of 'relation' is wrong and nobody even pointed it out. There were also some other errors. I request members to point out any glaring mistake in spelling or grammar whenever they find. Today I edited and corrected the post.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now you can edit it Gulshan.I think you put it like that even after seeing it to be visible to all.

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Marriage is a bonding by society and law which shows the duties and responsibilities related to a couple . But live in relationships should not be accepted as this only give growth to cheating and violation of social code of living. B) B) B) B)
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