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For me the best part about gardening besides the exercise,enjoyment and also being one with nature, is the kind of mental relaxation it gives.You forget just about everything when you get actively involved with your plants and I have found solutions and possible avenues to my problems while I was gardening..

I hereby request everyone (who have gardens at home) not to use chemical manures and fertilizers. Please use orgnaic, Compost.

Born to express, not to impress.
For me the best part about gardening besides the exercise,enjoyment and also being one with nature, is the kind of mental relaxation it gives.You forget just about everything when you get actively involved with your plants and I have found solutions and possible avenues to my problems while I was gardening..

I hereby request everyone (who have gardens at home) not to use chemical manures and fertilizers. Please use orgnaic, Compost.

I agree with that, and making compost at home has more than one benefit including practical kitchen waste management which in turn cleanses up our surroundings..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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